How to Design Your Online Marketplace Transaction Flow (Part 1)

May 10th, 2023 | 7 min read

Marketplace friends! Are you ready to design a smoother transaction flow? Smoother than a silk scarf?

If not, you might want to rethink things!  

Let's face it. If your transaction flow is messy, your marketplace users will bail fast. Faster than a skydiver with a broken parachute.

Let's face it. If your transaction flow is messy, your marketplace users will bail fast. Faster than a skydiver with a broken parachute.

So, let's learn how to create a slick transaction flow.

Create Your Own Marketplace Fast

  • Launch your own marketplace niche fast
  • Easily connect your own domain name
  • Create your own categories quickly
  • Create custom fields specific to your requirements

How to Define the Online Marketplace User Journey

Want your marketplace users happier than a lottery winner? You have got to understand their journey first. Put yourself in their shoes!

Think about:

  • What do they want
  • What do they need
  • What makes them tick!

Do they need a wide range of payment options? Do they tick like a time bomb when they encounter unexpected fees (yikes)?

Start designing a transaction flow by putting yourself in their shoes.

Ensuring You Map Out the Various TouchPoints

Alrighty, it's time to map out the various touchpoints in your transaction flow. These are points where customers interact with your website:


  • Browsing products
  • Adding items to their cart
  • Completing the checkout process

You got to make sure these touchpoints are as smooth as you can get them.

Put on your thinking cap! Identify any areas where your customers might get stuck or confused. Then, try designing a new process flow. I can tell you, this isn't always that easy! You might need to do a series of iterations.

I often find that once I design one iteration, it spurs new ideas, though.

I often find that once I design one iteration, it spurs new ideas.

So, don't hesitate to try creating a process and wait for the new ideas to come.

Identify Potential Roadblocks or Bottlenecks in Your Marketplace

Last but not least, you've got to identify potential roadblocks or bottlenecks in your transaction flow.

These are the points where marketplace users might get fed up! Abandon their cart faster than a hot potato.

Examples of roadblocks include:

You'll design a smooth transaction flow by identifying these roadblocks and addressing them head-on.

Make a list of potential roadblocks. Once we have this list, we can work on the new process with new mockups.

How to Create Wireframes and Mockups for Your Process Flow

Now you've defined the online marketplace user journey and mapped the touchpoints. It's time to create wireframes and mockups.

Mockups are visual representations of your online marketplace transaction flow. They show how each touchpoint will look and function.

Mockups are visual representations of your online marketplace transaction flow. They show how each touchpoint will look and function.

Wireframes and mockups are essential because they allow you to test and refine your transaction flow before you invest time and money into building it.

Using mockups, you can quickly:

It's a great way to get started creating a transaction flow that's:

  • Intuitive,
  • User-friendly
  • And efficient!

Tips for Creating Effective Wireframes and Mockups

Creating wireframes and mockups can be a daunting task, but fear not.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Keep it Simple: Your wireframes and mockups should be easy to understand. Avoid clutter! Remove unnecessary details. Focus on the core user experience.

2. Focus on Functionality: Your mockups should prioritize functionality over aesthetics. Make sure each touchpoint meets the user's needs and goals.

3. Get Feedback: Don't create mockups in a vacuum. Get feedback from stakeholders or users to ensure you're on the right track. Early!

4. Use the Right Tools: There are a variety of tools you can use to create mockups, such as Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD. All three are popular.

5. Iterate and Refine: Creating mockups is an iterative process. Don't be afraid to make changes and refine your design as you go. The main thing is to start!

Follow these tips! Create those mockups and design a transaction flow that you can review with others.

How to Choose a Payment Gateway for Your Online Marketplace

So, you're designing your marketplace transaction flow, and it's time to choose a payment gateway.

Don't worry; it's not as complicated as it sounds.

A payment gateway is like a bouncer at a club but for money. :) Payment gateways ensure that only authorized people get in (or out).

A payment gateway is like a bouncer at a club but for money. Payment gateways ensure that only authorized people get in (or out).

They ensure that the right people pay the right amount. Everyone has a good time when things are secure!

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Payment Gateway

First, security is essential! Look for a payment gateway that's strong and secure. Make sure it meets industry security standards. Specifically, compliant with regulations like PCI DSS.

Second, make sure you're not overpaying. Make sure you understand the fees and compare rates across different providers.

Second, make sure you're not overpaying. Make sure you understand the fees and compare rates across different providers.

Third, you want to ensure the payment gateway can get along with your online marketplace platform. Check for compatibility.

Fourth, look for customer support! Look for a payment gateway provider with reliable customer support, preferably with 24/7 availability.

Lastly, the payment process should be easy and intuitive for your customers. You don't want them to feel like they're in a maze, trying to find their way out. Try it out yourself, and make sure you yourself like it.

Some Examples of Popular Online Payment Gateways

Now, let's talk about some popular payment gateway options.

You might have heard of PayPal, basically the Beyoncé of payment gateways! Similarly, widely known and loved by many. :)

Then there's Stripe, versatile and offering a range of features.

Square is the do everything, from in-person payments to online payment processing.

Finally, along with our music analogy, is like the Rihanna of payment gateways. It's been around for a while (OK, enough with the jokes). also includes fraud prevention and recurring billing.

Check them out and decide what fits you. Online marketplaces often use either Paypal or Stripe in their payment processing.

Some Integration Considerations When Selecting a Payment Gateway

When integrating a payment gateway, you want to ensure it's like a chameleon. It blends in seamlessly with your marketplace platform.

Test it thoroughly. Ensure it's working correctly and doesn't disrupt the user experience.

Communicate clearly with your users about the payment process, including any fees or restrictions.

Communicate clearly with your users about the payment process, including any fees or restrictions.

Don't try and be a magician; keep secrets from your audience (users). Users hate surprises. Instead, by being upfront, you ensure a hassle-free transaction process.

Learning to Implement a Shopping Cart

Imagine you're at a grocery store, shopping without a cart. You'd have to carry everything in your arms!

That's not a very efficient (or enjoyable) experience. The same goes for online shopping.

You aren't going to get very far without a shopping cart. A shopping cart is a trusty sidekick that helps your marketplace users track their purchases.

How to Design an Effective Shopping Cart

When designing a shopping cart, you want to make sure it's like a good friend - always there to support your users. You know, guide your users along the way!

It should be easy to access. Prominently displayed on your website.

Make sure it's clear:

  • What items are in the cart
  • How much options cost
  • Options your users have to modify or remove items

Also, consider adding a progress bar or checkout indicator. Users want to see where they are in the process!

You also give your users a sense of accomplishment as they move toward completion.

Finally, remember those trust signals. Security badges. Customer reviews.

They are all important to instill confidence. Encourage users to complete their purchase; pull the trigger.

Tips for Optimizing the Shopping Cart for Conversion

Now that you have a shopping cart in place, you want to make sure it's like a smooth-talking salesman! Convincing your customers to make the purchase.

Here are some tips for optimizing your shopping cart for conversion:

1. Simplify the Checkout Process: The fewer steps it takes for a customer to complete their purchase, the better. Remove any unnecessary fields. Remove any unnecessary questions. Make sure the checkout process is mobile-friendly.

2. Offer Multiple Payment Options: Not everyone wants to pay with a credit card. Offering a range of payment options (such as PayPal or Apple Pay) can increase the likelihood of conversion.

3. Display Shipping and Tax Costs Upfront: No funny monkey business. There's nothing more frustrating than getting to the checkout page and seeing unexpected costs. Displaying shipping and tax costs upfront can reduce cart abandonment.

4. Use Urgency and Scarcity: People are likelier to act when they might miss out on something. Use phrases like "limited time offer." Or "only a few left" to create urgency.

Well, that's a wrap for today. Use the tips to start designing your online marketplace transaction flow. If you have questions – please email us!

Next week, we'll continue your conversation on "How to Design Your Online Marketplace Transaction Flow." Come back for part two!

In the meantime, interested in learning more? Learn how reputation systems mitigate risk or how reputation systems help create trust in your online marketplace.

Create Your Own Marketplace Fast

  • Launch your own marketplace niche fast
  • Easily connect your own domain name
  • Create your own categories quickly
  • Create custom fields specific to your requirements

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