Many New Languages for Yclas Marketplace Solutions | English, Spanish, French etc.

April 19th, 2022 | 1 min read

Oh yeah!!

Many new languages are available :D

We have listened to all of your feedback. Many of you wanted more languages for the site so we have added a total of 32 new ones. Now there are 36 languages available!

Please note that only English, Spanish and French are officially updated by us, the other languages are collaborations done by the community and we are not responsible.

  • TLS support for emails, so now you can use any email provider that has this feature
  • RSS for user ads, if the URL of the user is the RSS is
  • Faster sites! Combined CSS and JS running directly on a CDN thanks to deliver
  • Improved 404 pages, now you can translate the title and it appears the referred page
  • Search to translate, now you can search by keywords to make it easier to find the word to translate
  • Banned words validation on the client-side
To change your language just go to your panel->content->translations and choose your language ;)

Full list of available languages (soon with demo)

  1. English US
  2. English UK
  3. Spanish
  4. French
  5. Arabic
  6. Albanian
  7. Bengali
  8. Bulgarian
  9. Catalan
  10. Chinese
  11. Croatian
  12. Czech
  13. Danish
  14. Dutch
  15. Filipino
  16. Hungarian
  17. German
  18. Greek
  19. Indonesian
  20. Italian
  21. Japanese
  22. Malayalam
  23. Norwegian
  24. Filipino
  25. Polish
  26. Portuguese
  27. Romanian
  28. Russian
  29. Serbian
  30. Shona, Zimbabwe
  31. Slovak
  32. Swedish
  33. Tamil
  34. Turkish
  35. Urdu
  36. Vietnamese

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  • Launch your own marketplace niche fast
  • Easily connect your own domain name
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