The New Feature List for Yclas' Classified Software Release

March 19th, 2022 | 1 min read


We have added these new features and improvements to the platform in the last few weeks. Hope you enjoy it! ;)

1. Categories can have an image or use one of the icons from FontAwesome
2. Now deleting many ads from the panel it's a lot easier and you have a progress bar.
3. Auto-fill ad address with a logged user, saves you a lot of time!
4. Updated google maps API
5. New Money custom field
6. Possible to translate custom fields
7. Serfinsa payment gateway
8. Stripe SCA, updated the library

You have all these new features available already on your site without updating or doing anything.

We are always working hard to add new things and improve the platform. Soon you will have very big news!


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