12 of the Most Popular Classified Websites in Hawaii

March 22nd, 2022 | 1 min read


Today we will focus on the beautiful state, Hawai’i. Hawai’i has a growing economy, an increase in income and tourism. However, there is a serious crisis about their wildlife, seeing as Hawai’i is the state in the USA with the highest rate of endangered species as well as species becoming extinct. 70% of the state’s native birds are extinct!

Interestingly the word “Aloha”, often used as both “Hello” and “Goodbye”, comes from a Polynesian word “alofa” meaning mercy, compassion, and love. Furthermore, the word Hawai’i is derived from the Polynesian word “hawaiki” meaning “Place of Gods” or “Homeland”. The Hawaiian King Kamehameha, known for uniting the Hawaiian islands, changed the name to Hawai’i which was originally The Sandwich Islands (named by Captain James Cook in 1778).

Here is a list of the top classified sites within Hawai’i displayed in the categories below. If there are sites you are aware of that have not been mentioned, feel free to mention them in your comments.



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